What do you like the most about your job?
The most fulfilling aspect of my work is the opportunity to engage in a wide range of projects, each with its unique setup and set of expectations. Every project is like a new adventure, offering different challenges and learning experience. It keeps me up to date. The diversity of different experienced people and the conversations keeps things exciting and allows me to constantly learn and grow.
What three people would you like to have dinner with?
Elon musk, AR Rahman, Stephen Hawking
What did you do before joining Pinta?
I worked as a Business Analyst – Associate Consultant with Infosys – Bangalore back in India.
What other profession would you like to try for a day?
Wildlife photographer
What are your hobbies?
I love listening to music, hiking, cooking (I love cooking!!!)
I’d never leave the house without my . . . . . .
Contact lenses
Something people might not know about me
I learnt Indian Carnatic music and Classical dance Bharatnatyam for 5 years
What’s your favourite book / album / movie?
Books: Catcher in the Rye, The alchemist and atomic habits
Album: Pink Floyd, AR Rahman playlists
Movie: Green book, True Spirits, Ratatouille