Samartians Launch 24/7 Talk to Us Campaign

Pinta client, The Samaritans will launch it’s ’24/7′ Talk to US’ campaign today – the aim of which is to highlight to males that the organisations volunteers are available to talk 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Samaritans Ireland said that more and more men are availing of their help line service to talk about their problems.

The group will launch it’s ’24/7′ Talk to US’ campaign today – the aim of which is to highlight to males that the organisations volunteers are available to talk 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Samaritan volunteer, Majella Canty, said that it is still challenge to get men to talk.

“It is still a problem but there are improvements, and when we have campaigns like this and when we have well-known celebrities who come out and encourage men to talk that really helps,” she said.

“It is good to talk about how you are feeling that is very important.”

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