Navigating your Client in the Right Direction.

As a provider of a service, you scope out the project with the customer, you agree on the objectives, format, timeline etc. and you agree on the cost.

You think now let’s get down to the job at hand. You prepare your presentations, reports, handouts and you agree all of this with the customer, you’re on the home straight.

You arrive on site ready to start the process of implementing the work which you have agreed. Introductions are made, the agenda is laid out, everyone is engaged, everyone is on the same page….aren’t they? You think so …..then suddenly, you hit a pothole, a big one!

Now you have to act fast, think on your feet, use your skills. The project may have taken a turn but you won’t let this throw you – you will turn this back around!

Ok so you’re gone off your agreed path – that’s ok, like a good sat nav, you recalculate. When you see a clearing you try to steer back onto the motorway, but there’s just no budging, the client sees a different route and wants to go that way so for you and all the preparation you have done it is now time to start over – it’s back roads from here on in!

Then the question comes to you – is the customer right? You’re there to providing a service. Your customer is saying this is what they now want, we should go down this path, so you go with it, you make this work – you will eventually get back on the motorway, you are just taking an alternative route for now.

Working with your client at every stage in the process is vital to build a trustworthy relationship and like any good service provider –  you stay with the customer, you work with the customer to offer solutions.

Is the customer right? Yes they are.

Do things always go according to plan? No, but you know what they say about best laid plans.

Will we be there until we get there? Yes we will!!