Pinta were engaged to review the existing operating framework and design the preferred operating model within a division in Pfizer.
- Assist in mapping the current framework, remit and operating model for the team in Cork
- Work with the team to develop a detailed picture of the preferred future for the team in 2017, including the detailed processes and supporting infrastructure required to deliver the model
- Create a roadmap based on a mixture of ambition and capacity to allow the team to migrate to the new model over the next number of years.
- Develop a proposal for designing the correct operating framework and role charters for the Engineering foremen team including a new incentive model for the team
- Carry out an assessment of the curent metrics and accurate information available that can be utilised to develop a dashboard to track the performance of the team in the new environment
- Develop a dashboard that will track the performance of the team in the delivery of the new model