Pinta Assisting GAA Strategy Development

Pinta continues to work with the GAA in the area of planning and are currently facilitating the strategic planning process for the 2014-2017 Strategy. The GAA aims to launch the new plan for the next three years in May.

Pinta continues to work with the GAA in the area of planning and are currently facilitating the strategic planning process for the 2014-2017 Strategy. The GAA aims to launch the new plan for the next three years in May.

The strategic planning process involves a consultation process with key internal and external stakeholders to input into the future strategic direction for the GAA. An online survey was conducted over a six week period in December and January and received over 13,000 submissions – the largest consultation process in the history of the GAA.

The outputs of the consultation process will be distilled to develop an ambitious and challenging statement of strategy that will enable the GAA to reach its potential over the next three years.