Fiona Nicholson

Fiona Nicholson

What do you like the most about your job? 
Too cliché to say, “making a difference in people’s lives”? Yet it is true! I jump out of bed to help make workplaces more engaging, effective, and efficient. 

What three people would you like to have dinner with? 

Oh, only 3?
There are so many interesting people. 
From the past: Eleanor Roosevelt, Walt Disney, Lester B. Pearson
And present: Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Barbara Minto

What did you do before joining Pinta? 

A variety of different roles including banking, leadership development and non-profit, with a specific focus on inspiring change and creating cultures that work.  

What other profession would you like to try for a day? 
Neuroscientist, I am fascinated by what makes people work. 

What are your hobbies? 
Learning, photography, being in nature with the dogs in any season

I’d never leave the house without my . . .
…if they had their way, I’d never leave without the dogs! 

Something people might not know about me 
I went to the same school as Mary Robinson. 

What’s your favourite book/album/movie? 
Book: The Hobbit, Album: Eric Clapton Unplugged, Movie; The Man from Snowy River